We always adhere to our four Ps and one very important I in your campaign:
Professionalism, Presentation, Persuasion, Persistence and Integrity

Benefits of A Better Call as your Business to Business Telemarketing Company

At A Better Call, we implement proactive lead generation programs for businesses in the greater Boston Massachusetts area as well as national campaigns. We feel strongly that relying on the prospect being proactive leads to missed opportunities. This means that we do not rely on the prospect returning our calls or responding to mailings. We have live conversations with your prospects to determine their interest, time frame, etc.

Our staff consists of experienced business-to-business telemarketing professionals who truly feel part of our clients' companies. Our focus is on customer service, giving our clients value, whether that is setting an appointment for a sales call, introducing the prospect to our clients’ goods or services, or updating the database with pertinent information. Our goal is to go the extra step every time for our clients.

Since 1995, we have helped our clients grow their businesses by consistently achieving a 10% meeting rate, over the course of the telemarketing campaign, from our client’s qualified lists. We feel these results make our telemarketing programs the most effective form of marketing. We would like to be part of your company's success. To learn more about how A Better Call can help your company meet your sales and marketing goals please call us at (888) 845-6495.