Is Political Telemarketing Effective?

“Voting is the expression of our commitment to ourselves, one another, this country and this world.” Sharon Salzberg

Phone calls are effective motivational tools that offer a personal touch to your voter outreach. Political telemarketing campaigns allow candidates to gather important voter information and gauge support among likely voters. Every successful politician needs a solid plan to efficiently get their message to as many voters as possible. Voters often receive messages via the media, internet, television, etc. All of these methods are passive and require the voter to pay attention. Unfortunately, many times, people skip right over these messages.  Reaching out via the telephone is a more personal and compelling way to reach you voters. Phone calls set you apart and break through the clutter.

Voter identification calls help determine your likely supporters. Once you have determined who will support you, more targeted calls can take place to this group including: volunteer recruitment, fundraising, event notification and get out the vote calls. Calls can be made to non-supporters to validate perspective, polling and voter persuasion.

With a targeted list and the right callers, political calls are very effective at reaching your audience. These calls are powerful tools to relay your message while polling your voters on what is important to them. They are also effective for communicating about appearances, rallies, events and of course get out the vote calls.

A Better Call has been involved in political calls for more than 20 years. Over the years we have successfully represented candidates in local, state, and national elections. We welcome the opportunity to talk with you about how we can make a positive impact on your campaign. Please give us a call @ 888-845-6495.


Maureen and Angela