A Powerful Sales Tool

“To listen closely and reply well is the highest perfection we are able to attain in the art of conversation.” – Francois de La Rochefoucauld, Essayist

We all recognize the importance of listening. Yet many salespeople fear losing control to active listening during a call.  According to Gong Labs, top sales closers speak 40% of the time on average and the bottom 20% speak an average of 65% of the time. Undeniably, call success depends on what the prospect says rather than what we say.

How do we elicit conversation from a prospect? Ask pertinent questions. So, if you are selling a service, ask them if they use this service, then pause so they can answer.   They may say “why yes, we’ve been using XYZ Company for years”.  Your next question, “how is that going”? Then pause. Let them answer. At A Better Call, our rule is their response has to be words like Great! Terrific! I’d never change! For us to decide they are not currently a prospect.  It’s okay, pretty good, going well, are invitations for us to move forward.

Often, our segue is to say “I understand, if I could I’d like to tell you a little about us”.  Now is the time for a brief explanation on why you are offering a superior product or service.  Followed by a pause.

The idea is to have a conversation with as much give and take as possible. The more you can engage your prospects, the more success you will have. Let them talk and please listen. It’s that simple.

For more than 25 years we have practiced the art of listening while cold calling. Active listening has given us opportunities that have pleasantly surprised us, as well as our clients. You never know what a prospect’s issues are if unless you let them tell you. If you would like to know more about A Better Call and how we can help your bottom line through out-sourced, proactive cold calling, please give us a call @ 888-845-6495.

