You Have to Get Their Attention

In the movie Ferris Bueller’s Day Off there is a classic scene of Mr. Lorensax “Ben Stein” teaching a class on government.  He’s droning on about the depression, tariffs, voodoo economics, he’s mind-numbing. He drones out questions which are met with silence and blank stares, Anyone? Anyone? He then answers his own questions and drones on with more mind-numbing information. His tone is lifeless and he is oblivious to his student’s reactions. He would never make it as a cold caller.

Act as if what you do makes a difference – IT DOES! –  William James

We have less than 10 seconds to capture someone’s attention. What is the best way to capture their attention? Say something that is meaningful to them. It is a mistake to talk about your product or service as it relates to you or your company.  Example: we have a special on widgets and if you decided to buy 2,500 of them, I’d win a trip to the Bahamas.  The prospect does not have any reason to be invested in your trip to the Bahamas.  Elaborate the benefits in the beginning of the call so that you can hopefully gain your prospects attention. People buy when they can see the benefits. 

At A Better Call, our job is to present our clients in a compelling way.  We do this by focusing on the benefits as they apply to the prospect. For over 25 years this has proven to be a winning strategy.

