Call Us Crazy

For companies that have a lot going on, finding the time to cold call can be difficult. Effective cold calling can go by the wayside when other things keep taking priority.  Many salespeople say that the least favorite part of their work is cold calling. They feel that people will be rude, gatekeeper’s screening processes are too restrictive and no one answers their phone anyway.

Results of cold calling like many things depends on how you feel about cold calling.  At A Better Call it is our favorite thing to do.  Call us crazy, we love cold calling! It is how we start our process for success. We are confident callers! We embrace the process of being effective over the phone.

“Any fact facing us is not as important as our attitude toward it, for that determines our success or failure.”  Norman Vincent Peale

We would love to talk with you about your lead generation needs and how our cold calling programs would be of benefit. Please give us a call at 888-845-6195.

